Conduct an assessment of your spiritual health.
The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio will coincide with Tuesday, January 21, a potent day for letting go and healing within each sign’s love horoscope.
You control how you feel, and because of that, the relationship you choose in this lifetime is important. You don’t need to believe the voices of those who say what you want is impossible, nor do you have to entertain that wounded fear of being alone any longer.
The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio is a time for emotional release, especially as Scorpio rules the depths of your subconscious. Reflect on the feelings or beliefs that no longer serve you so that you can make space for new things with the upcoming Lunar New Year. Face your shadows and clear away the cobwebs of your heart, trusting that the space you make will be invaluable for attracting the love you truly desire.
The Last Quarter Moon is a time of reflection, healing, and release. It offers a final chance to let go of worn-out layers, past hurts, and beliefs from the past before starting fresh into new beginnings with the New Moon.
The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on January 29, making the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio all the more important as the Lunar New Year begins. You deserve to feel the possibilities of a new beginning, yet that only becomes possible once you let go of what or who you no longer need.
What each zodiac sign’s love horoscope has in store on Tuesday, January 21, 2025:
Explore what hurts, Aries. It’s not easy to be with the woundedness of the past, but that is just the way through to having your heart clear, so you’re able to open up what you dream to enter into.
The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio is your release from hurts standing between you and the start, feelings which relate perhaps to something to do with former relationships and the intimacy and privacy involved.
You have to let yourself face your deepest pain so you can transform it into newfound strength. You don’t have to be defined by what has happened in the past, but to do that, heal so you can release the hurt you’ve been carrying around.
Honor your personal needs, Taurus. You are searching for a deep and transformative relationship but often attract unhealthy partners. This is because they like stability and loyalty around them but then end up abusing the same because of the inability to heal the wounds of trauma.
While you must honestly reflect on the relationship that you’re in, honor your needs in this connection first.
You can’t just be there for your partner and become a martyr for love, and continue to lead into those dynamics you are trying to end. Focus on your needs and stop believing that you need to care for everyone else.
Your emotions may feel heavy today, dear Gemini. Though it serves a purpose, it doesn’t mean it will be easy to embrace this potent phase in your life.
Be very careful about who you spend time with today, especially your partner, as you will be quite vulnerable to picking up on other people’s feelings.
You tend to be empathetic if that is not a personality trait you easily display to others. However, you also have to realize that carrying the emotional burden of others affects not just your emotional health but your physical one.
When you can release yourself and let yourself be dictated by the emotions of others, you have greater sovereignty over yourself and your life.
No one loves like you do, sweet Cancer. You have to see that as your superpower, though. Otherwise, you may find it being used against you. You have this deep desire for your relationship, and you’re very expressive. But because you show up so intensely for a relationship, often you don’t realize that another isn’t until it’s too late.
You need to wake up to how you start or restart a relationship. An unmet need in the beginning won’t suddenly change months or years in. Rather than continuing to feel like you must give someone a chance, you have to wake up to how the person you are with is showing up.
Release the idea that you must give endless chances to have your needs met and make space for someone who will right from the beginning.
Not every relationship will feel safe, Leo. It’s your job to figure out what you need to feel emotionally safe and give that to yourself first before rushing headlong into a love affair.
You are becoming aware of your relationship, but you are still seeking to find someone else to meet a need that you have never met for yourself. Not feeling emotionally safe in the relationship is something you deserve, and your partner can’t give that to you unless you have first.
Release the idea that it’s a matter of finding the perfect person instead of becoming the perfect person for yourself. Love becomes easier when you no longer seek someone else to fill your cup.